Site Information

Why Michael Jackson?

Where to begin?

I was born (in 1978) loving Michael Jackson. I seriously have no memory of not knowing who he was or not hearing his music. It's just... in me.

At the age of five, I told everyone I was his wife. I even requested people call me Patty Jackson. By about age eight, that part of my fandom had faded (to make way for new crushes, both celebrity and real life). However, my admiration of his genius only grew. I'll talk more about the history of my fandom in the various writings here. Thanks for joining me.

The title, "For All Time"

The title is taken from Michael's song of the same name, a bonus track included on later editions of the landmark Thriller album (it was cut from the original release). I love the song and it seemed an appropriate name for a site honoring someone I've been a fan of my entire life.

Quotes/lyrics in the header

The Michael Jackson quotes and lyrics appearing in the header are generated using the Random Quote JavaScript from The code was created in 2004, but it still works.

General Stats

Opened December 08, 2016. A Fandom Savant production. Part of Amassment and The Celebrity Fanlistings Network.

Featured Links

Link back to me

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